Monday 6 December 2010

Chimera in a bag.

The Items I found in my bag for making the Chimera were

- Keys
- Ikea Measuring tape
- Purse
- Cards
- Vaseline
- Panda Hat
- Bracelet
- Earphones
- Lollypop stick

However I did not use all of the Items above to make my Chimera.

Chimera Research

Definition of a Chimera : 
a mythological monster, commonly represented with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.
A horrible or unreal creature of the imagination.

When I looked for images of a Chimera I found a lot of interesting visuals.

These are a few examples.


The  Grasshopper I created in Illustrator was for the cover of Time Magazine.  This magazine is an informative and practical type rather than a gossip magazine and deals with events happening in the world example: Medicine, Science, Art. The worldly type of magazine was the reason i decided to add the anatomy of the grasshopper into my illustration.